Saturday, January 01, 2005

Switching years just like gears. (Kissing 2004 Goodbye)


Today has been such a nice day. I spent the whole morning in bed, then I was on the phone with Massiel. Well, apparently that's the only thing I do these days. If someone is falling in love, I hope it doesn't end with a broken heart or something.

I saw Napoleon Dynamite by the way, it's such a great movie. My brother liked it as well. However, today is December 31st, which means this is the last day of the year. Lots of "I love you", lots of "I'm yours", lots of "I miss you", tons of love showing today... and lot of them are really not worthy. My mom is finishing the dinner and it smells delicious, I can't wait.

AW!! Jenny IM me just right now... I was wondering where has she been. Wow my MSN is such a mess right now, lot of people IMing. WTF it's NEW YEAR's eve for Chrissake!!!

"Ten seconds left until midnight,
nine chances to drown ourselves in black hair dye,
eight faces turned away from the shock,
seven windows and
six of them were locked,
five stories falling
forever and ever,
three cheers to the mirror now there are
two of us can we have
one last dance."
I wish u guys a broken heart and a happy new year :)


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