Monday, December 03, 2007

Square shaped images

I don't remember how it was in the good old days where I had no job, but this day off was kind of odd. Someone's been pulling the circle, so it got more numbers... long day, long day.

Good thing, I saw two movies, both of them spiced up with some tasty Sci-Fi drops. For me, in a really personal closure here, "Next" is just awesome. Maybe because I love Nicholas Cage or just because. The final twist was awesome, gave me that feeling that I love when things don't turn up the way they always do for Hollywood, even if it did anyways.
"Children of Men" is rather good,
I really like the way gray takes over the screen as soon as the movie starts leaving the tongue with that sour flavored taste... good movie indeed. Theo reminds me of Winston, regular guy forced to take action on a extraordinary situation.

This afternoon I found myself caged in this senseless conversation with three other guys at the gym, apparently some people just don't realize how dangerous it is to have a tank full of propane in the back of your car. I mean, look it this way... you might explode like... now. And what's the deal with buying a car you can not pay proper maintenance to it - fuck that! ...So yeah, picture me sweaty, pissed and monologuing about how we should, as human beens, have some kind of common sense... they didn't get it. Society it's wicked stupid now days. What leads to my next topic... "Ratatouille", have you seen this movie about a chef rat; no wonder why it's a rat movie... fucking cheesy. As long as they keep making movies as dumb as this one... society will be the same as it is now - No world for tomorrow.

There's a nice gentleman named Jade, he plays guitar in this band name AFI. He was chatting with Yeo the other night and told him about his new album with his new band, Blaqk Audio. So, cosmically Davey Havoc sent me an email and was blahing something about I should listen to it... I did - Good album, it's been on my car's player since Saturday.

So... Christmas it's coming and... this is way to long already, I'll eat this cupcake and drink some Coke.


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