Thursday, September 08, 2005

You: Something that takes my pain away.

Wow, I can't believe how late it is, I mean like 5 minutes ago it was only 11:45. My day's been really quick today, and I don't know if that's good or bad :S. I made an order yesterday... I sit and try to patiently waiit for it to get here. I woke up early and got some things done, personal things. I practiced the whole morning and then went to school. We ate empanadas and after that my mom got me McD's, haha. My russian friend wrote me again today, it was nice reading about her. I talked to Sabrina today too, she was online all of a sudden.

I have some things to spit out, but I don't know how. I feel like.... blah nevermind about that, I'll just try to forget about it. I've been rockandroll the past few days and it's more to come. I'd like to know about some people I left here, people I haven't heard thing about - Hope they're fine.

I'm rolling to bed now Mon... love u.

and u... yeah u... ILOVEYOU.


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