Monday, May 02, 2005

Thinking about how to say good-bye

Being there where situations crash right in front of ur face and u just can do nothing to avoid them, I'm kinda weird since I'm leaving things in the edge of a pop and maybe they won't press hold much longer. Right from this weekend, things are getting to a level I could never imagine, a total uncontrol of my own being and life. Things happen so fast, so unconscius, at one moment we fistfight right the other we hold hands. Now I'm getting a ride, specting a try - don't know what to do, don't know what to do - looking around for an answer written in the wall...

Anyways, yesterday I went out with my family, and bought some things. On the night I went to Juan's, it was his bday, it was a kOoL time, nice guys and funny talks.

Today I went to the beach, I woke up helluva early and then Amaury picked me up, we picked Gaby, Lulah and Antony, flew to the supermarket and then we picked Mariam. We went to the same beach we went the last time, the lonely-quietly beach, played soccer and took some pics... I liked that. Then we went to Gabz and had dinner :P - Like this girlie messed it up, but anyways I'll do something nice for her since I was mad and played it like a bitch. Now I'm deep thinking about tomorrow and me dividing myself into twenty pieces - fuck!

I'll finish some bizz and then I'll roll to bed, I promise I'll upload some pics tomorrow. Je t'aime beaocoup, bonne soire :*


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