Monday, April 25, 2005

Je pretendre etre moi-meme pour un instant.

Hello sweetie, I'm a little bit tired but I came by to give u a kiss and tell u about my weekend. Yesterday I dunnoed the whole day, and then Lui picked me up, like at 9:00 and we dunnoed together... then Jochy joined us, and then Paul did just the same. So we were there dunnoing till 1:30 or somethihng :P. This morning I didn't want to wake up - WOW like every sunnday. I went to this meeting at this college, and then went to my college, to catch Lui and Paul for studiying. We were at Lui's almost till 11:something and then we went out to eat, now I'm here at home. I'm kinda mad because my celphone seems to be fucked up, I hope it'll get better tomorrow or I'll get angry, I mean really angry.

I'm standing at less than two weeks of leaving this place for arouund four months, and altought I'm not completly sure and I know I wish I could take some people with me, I hope I do great round there. :* loooove u like a starnumber times on a stared night, bye Babie...

I'd do my best for u...


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