Friday, April 15, 2005

Bullets came to bullet's holes

Bonjour mon amie. I'm going straight to business today, yesterday I was really mad, because of this girl. I mean she has to keep on saying the same thing like starnumber times without a breaking point... I mean, what's the idea in that shit? ...I'm starting to believe what Paul says, maybe I should start listening to Greenday and become Megadeth, instead of being such a nice guy. Like if I were such a bitch and did her bad and then get blanked since I'm leaving, then maybe she'll be happy - JERK!!!. Now, about the day... I can't remember a thing, I just remember that I wanted to eat "empanadas" so bad and no one wanted, so I ended up eating McD's, which wasn't bad at all, but it wasn't "empanadas".

Today, I woke up early and started to study "Vida Cristina" since I had a final, but I just did like 30 mins and I jumped to Gina, and I played the whole morning. I had this class at 4:00, Amaury picked me up, then he went back to my house to pick up an essay I left - I loooove u man - while I took the exam. My "Seguridad" teacher didn't show up, arrrggg I got pissed because he was supposed to say who's exonerated today, and I'm really sure I'm on that list. I just hope he goes to classes tomorrow, so I could ask him. I'm really tired and I need to get up early and study science - AGAIN!!!. Just two weeks and this shit'll be over... just two weeks. Bye baby...

uhmm, u know what, I should name u... :)


Blogger Lauronga said...

ueje a mi me exoneraron =P

11:57 PM  

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