Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Newton took over my world...

Hey blog, what's up? ...To be honest I didn't have time to write during the weekend. So I'm about to write a few things about it...

Friday, I studied a lot, I was about to go to the movies with Lia and shit, but I stayed at home just on the books - Unbelievable. Something near 11:00 Lui came and picked me and Paul up, we had dinner - Paul, Mario, Vigy, Lui, Pamela and I - at TacoBell and then we went to Mario's house. Geex that house is great, I mean the artwork inside of it, is just frustrating/amazing. I got back home reaaally late because Lui wanted to eat again at 2:30 - Crazy azz.

Saturday, to be honest I had the worst game I've ever had in my entire life. I scored only like 4 points and I played almost the whole game, even shooted a 1/starsnumber. My mind was all in calculus shit. I went to my guitar class and I got late by the way, the niciest thing was that in my way to Gazcue, to Lala's I met - Or should I say Re-met? - Cyrille. She's a great chick that teaches Singing at JazzyMas, she invited me to this concert she has next wednesday @CinematecaNacional. After a lot of studiying I was back home at 8:00 had a bath and went back to the books. Something near 11:00-12:00 I went out with ChungHoGuys.. we ate sandwishes and then went to Mario's house again. We played pool - hehehehe I kicked some asses, back to those days. I came home near 3:00.

Sunday, my day barely started, I was so sleepy that I think I fell asleept a few times. I studied a lot - I mean A LOT - like 8 continued hours or something like that. Near 10:00 I went to Paul's and picked up a book to prepare an exposition for today. I went to bed at 3:00 when I finished it.

About today, I dunno how, but I woke up renewed. Reviewed the material, reviewed my exposition and went to college something near 4:00. I did the exam, and when I say "I did", I mean I fucked it right in the ass - Those hours were worthy. Then I had the exposition and my group kicked ass. The teacher was amazed. Enough writting for now, I'm off. :* love cha.

*April's 1st: Happy Gmail-day...
*April's 3rd: Happy Bday Monalisa :) :*
*I'm frustrated with the new DBS's song. \m/

*I love u like thousand beatting hearts.
*I'm so tired of Calculus.
*Bileika, have a nice bday :*


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