Tuesday, January 11, 2005

October's Stars in January sky.

Hello blog...

Last time I wrote something was Saturday, but I didn't write anything about the day or life. I just sat here and let my fingers spit out raw anger, for which I think I owe you.

Well, first of all January 7th was Robert's bday. At first it was cool and chill, then Amaury got mad, who the hell knows why and things started to turn grey... then Amaury turned OK again (Yeah I know he's crazy) and things were funny, hahahahaha right kids? :-P ... I got home at 4.something and like I told you before, I got this message.. and the story goes on.

Saturday was a weird day, first I woke up pretty early, something like 10... I had breakfast, then I wrote things you can read above :P. Something near 2.00 I went to my guitar class, but it was in vain cuz the teacher wasn't there. I got back home, played some basketball. The nite was pretty kool, MainArtery's CD release. The shit was awesome, Agatha fucking rocked my face, I've forgotten that Tommy has that voice. Main Main Main, well it was awesome nuff said, and I really got nice pix. I was with my Japanese friend Lei Sam :P hahahahaha and I (heart) her :*. Then we went to Falafel... got some vegetarian food :) and we ended at 8Door, like every rockscene guy in this country :P.

Sunday, I don't even remember how I got awake, but I just got. The day passed OK. In the night I went to Andresito's house :) it was his bday and we got spaghetti - Maaan I ate alooooot! It was nice to see Lea, Rosa and the other girls :) my sweet little sisters. Domino can be fun if you play with ElBaba, hahahahahahaha. I got home at 12.something and I talked to my Japanese friend till 4 or something, like everyday (heart). Today things went as usual, some basketball, some fun and some talk. Kids start classes tomorrow which means no more latenitetalks :P hehe. Well I have to wake up pretty early tomorrow so I'm leaving, enough writing for just one day. Love you Blog... and love you too myfreakingjealousekoalafriend.


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