I'm capable of the kind of love about which only the intoxicated and the California bound can weep.
Hello Mon, I don't remember when was the last time I posted, but I know it has been a whilie. I got an email from Jill yesterday, I was so happy. She said the Bear is not being torn down, and that everybody is on their last days of work. I went out with the guys last night, we drank some Gin and then we went to Paul's - wirdo kool. The day before that I went to this show "Los Perex" release, don't really like them but I wanted to see Incognita. Then we went to "El cuarto" and had a talkie rest of the nite.
I'm almost done with my mechanics exercises for this week. Actually this coming week looks pretty easy - Finally. Is freaking hot as hell, I can't stand it, I take like five showers a day. Mili is coming tomorrow, I'm so excited. Besides that I feel so strange like a huge hole inside... emptyness, maybe. That's without counting the fact that I'm writitng supakward today... like paragraphs have no main idea on their context - haha whatever. That's pretty much everything I can get right now, I hope u have a goodnite, try to sleep.
I'm almost done with my mechanics exercises for this week. Actually this coming week looks pretty easy - Finally. Is freaking hot as hell, I can't stand it, I take like five showers a day. Mili is coming tomorrow, I'm so excited. Besides that I feel so strange like a huge hole inside... emptyness, maybe. That's without counting the fact that I'm writitng supakward today... like paragraphs have no main idea on their context - haha whatever. That's pretty much everything I can get right now, I hope u have a goodnite, try to sleep.

...when I finish struggling we can make our way to the dance floor and stand like strangers in an elevator stuck between stories...
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