Front a Wide Screen.
Hi blog, how have u been since last nite? ...Me? I've been ok, my uncle, Khayla and my granny came today - Familly meal. Then Paul came and we studied a bit of Science, pretty bored shit by the way. But whatever that was my whole afternoon. Then I practiced some guitar and talked with my japanesse friend a couple of mins. I wrote this testimonial on Kathy's hi5, I don't know it was straight from the heart, so straight that after I wrote it I didn't remember what I wrote, and when I read it I was holly surprised about what I said :). Now I'm watching the Grammy's Usher is on... Greenday rocked everybody's face and here is the best for me...
Alicia Keys is awesome.
I love u blog! :) Happy Valentine's day :*
I love u for thousand years and even more. I'd crave my past and future collecting minutes and seconds just to spend them with u... U're great, weather if u're a little bit crazy (L).
Sound of Japanesse speaking: "Aish te ru."

Alicia Keys is awesome.
I love u blog! :) Happy Valentine's day :*
I love u for thousand years and even more. I'd crave my past and future collecting minutes and seconds just to spend them with u... U're great, weather if u're a little bit crazy (L).
Sound of Japanesse speaking: "Aish te ru."
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Yeah Greenday se paso full... hehe Happy Valentine's day for u too new friend.
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