My nose as it kisses the clouds
Hey!!! ...Well Paul got home at last, we studied and all, science can be interesting sometimes - But this time it wasn't :P. We ate and that, then I helped him out with some pictures for the next Mulligan's web site.
Something near 4:00 we got to school and took this boring class, with this boring teacher that thinks he's something funny but he isn't. Then we got calculus and at the end we got the funniest but worst class of the semester "Lab de fisica", GOOOSHH!!!! that shit sucks, the teacher sucks even more and the "experiments" - If u could call them that way - are the stupidiest thing ever happened on earth and space. When I got back home I fed my little baby - Haha I feel like a dad myself - and then I sit here and headbanged.
Switching the tellingstorylike style, I'm really on with DaveMatthewsBand, I mean is not the first time I hear them, I even have 2 cd's of my own and have heard others and I like it a lot, but Lynn borrowed me this Cd that at first seemed to be nothing amazing, but all of a sudden I started to like it a lot and now I cant stop listening to it. Now I appreciate even more that band. I dunno the past 3-4 days my playlist has been DaveMatthews, TheCure, DashboardConfessional and anything HipHop. Oh well today I changed it and had Mudvayne's "LD 50" Cd on and then Dredg "el Cielo". I was in the car and all of a sudden I jumped out and went inside the house and took Mudvayne's Cd out, haha it was weirddo as hell.
Swell tomorrow I have this test of this horrible subject "Vida Cristiana"
, so I'm off to study a bit and sleep. By Blog.
Something near 4:00 we got to school and took this boring class, with this boring teacher that thinks he's something funny but he isn't. Then we got calculus and at the end we got the funniest but worst class of the semester "Lab de fisica", GOOOSHH!!!! that shit sucks, the teacher sucks even more and the "experiments" - If u could call them that way - are the stupidiest thing ever happened on earth and space. When I got back home I fed my little baby - Haha I feel like a dad myself - and then I sit here and headbanged.
Switching the tellingstorylike style, I'm really on with DaveMatthewsBand, I mean is not the first time I hear them, I even have 2 cd's of my own and have heard others and I like it a lot, but Lynn borrowed me this Cd that at first seemed to be nothing amazing, but all of a sudden I started to like it a lot and now I cant stop listening to it. Now I appreciate even more that band. I dunno the past 3-4 days my playlist has been DaveMatthews, TheCure, DashboardConfessional and anything HipHop. Oh well today I changed it and had Mudvayne's "LD 50" Cd on and then Dredg "el Cielo". I was in the car and all of a sudden I jumped out and went inside the house and took Mudvayne's Cd out, haha it was weirddo as hell.
Swell tomorrow I have this test of this horrible subject "Vida Cristiana"

hola suck-atres ;p
HAHAHAHAHAHA u should stop talking to Laura :P - by the way how's she?
Tell her I added her.
What's up with u babe?
Everything's ok? :*
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