Sunday, February 27, 2005

When bad kids do good things.

GOOSHH!! - Today is being fucking bored and tired, since the moment I told u I was about to start studying till now, still on it. I stopped at 3:00 to take my guitar class, but then I start it again at 5:00. We switched stages at least, I mean we went to Laura's and shit.
Amaury picked me up something near 12:00 at Paul's. We had a ride, some sameoldthing again - Fucking routine. I saw Kathy, that was nice, she's so cute. Hey I'm about to die I swear, I've drunk like two coke liggers today and haven't ate shit. I'm so fucking tired and I dunno, I'm sleepy as hell. ciao...

U've been all over my head today, like u just bewitched me or something like that...


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