Saturday, March 12, 2005

Hands can't astound the wall...

Hi blog, my day was normal all the way. I was so happy I dunno why, but then all of a sudden I got like sad or something. I went to this TKR and CappouSessions show, I dind't like Cappou at all, I mean I've never liked them but today I hated them the most (but they did it well). I went to Falafel with my Japanesse friend and Karla, had some fun and u know laughed a bit. I dunno what it is but fucking warmth is killing my senses, every second it's get hotter and hotter...

I had this awakedream while coming back home, I was on a cab and the chauffer was this crazyface look like guy... it seemed that he was on herbs or something, he was driving mad fucking fast - Not even Zafari. All of a sudden I start to think that we were gonna crash and I dunno I felt my heart just beneath my teeth... had this cold breeze not inside but between my lungs and I'm barely breathing. It's weirddo as hell. I'ma get a pillow, bye.

Yeah, I'm sad again... I think is because of doing the same, I'm so tired of every fucking place in this fucking city - Yeah I'm talking like a Yorkie.


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