Friday, March 18, 2005

Just an homogenic sound...

This morning something woke me up, it was so frustrating because I was still sleepy but I couldn't go back to sleep. Monalisa was up but not noisy, she was fine. I picked up the books and started to study, but right 5 minuntes after I dropped it and picked up Gina. I spent the whole morning on that, switching from books to Gina. Till I saw Lula going online and we started to talk and shit, hehe each day I talk to her she seems nicer.
My classes started at 4:00 with this exam, but it was ok - I think I got a 20/20. Then I spent like two hours just doing nothing but talking with Jochs, LauraA., Jv, Jamps, Grace, and some others... not in the mood to mention em all. After that I had this "Seguridad Industrial" class, we had to make an exposition, but my group was exonerated - Yeah, that was cOoL.

I got home with my mood upleveled till I saw this Lakers vs Heats game, fucking Atkins gotta keep on dribbling with the fucking epileptic like moves?? ...SHIT!!! this is getting me ill, I mean aren't them inspired to win a shitty game. BLAH!!!!! Bye Blog...


Happy bday Erika.


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