Yayyy!! I'm back!!! => [Sarcasm right here :)]
Hi Monique, long time no talk - I've been missing it. After a crazy summer and a lot of new friendly faces, here I am, back to the primitive. I wish I'd had time to say how the whole summer went, but I don't. I just can say that when I was on the bus to the airport, I was wishing it to take an U turn and go back. Here where I have to face the truth, back to college, back to this life. I wish I could take some good things from here and there and make my own world... maybe I will some day.
Switching the way this is going - just because is getting sad - the island is hot. I take like five showers a day and I think people are lil bit crazier than they usually are too. I started college today - I fucking hate it, but I've decided that this will be my semester. If I can't take it I'll quit and do something I really like. Kinda late actually, but better now than never. I dunno I feel like so out of place here, like there's some akwardness in the air, like this place is dissappearing. I'm tired I'm going to bed, see ya tomorrow. MUAH!!!
Switching the way this is going - just because is getting sad - the island is hot. I take like five showers a day and I think people are lil bit crazier than they usually are too. I started college today - I fucking hate it, but I've decided that this will be my semester. If I can't take it I'll quit and do something I really like. Kinda late actually, but better now than never. I dunno I feel like so out of place here, like there's some akwardness in the air, like this place is dissappearing. I'm tired I'm going to bed, see ya tomorrow. MUAH!!!